Daily Aries Horoscope November 22 (22/11)
Mar 21 − Apr 19
Alias: Alias: The Ram
November 22
daily aries horoscope:
daily aries horoscope:
Star 8/10
Its possible for a lack of confidence on your part to be enormously helpful. Seriously. Its by being unsure about taking a step demanded of you that youre able to take a step back and assess properly what it is youre supposed to be doing or need to do. Wariness or caution can be your allies now as you enter into or embark upon whatever-it-is slowly but surely. Its in your best interests now to allow as much time as you feel is necessary before taking that crucial step.
Read more...Star 7/10
We all know whats difficult to summon. Courage. Stamina. Positivity. What about sensitivity? Do we really struggle to find that within ourselves along with compassion, empathy or sympathy? Perhaps, we can all recall times when we did but overcame the challenge when we ceased to focus on what was negative in a situation, arrangement or relationship. In some way, you need to summon sensitivity now. Enough time has passed to make this easier than it once was.
Read more...Star 8/10
A superb link between Mercury and Jupiter in your opposite sign suggests youre about to impress at least one person in your world in some way. It might be the way you make a particular task others find tricky look easy. Perhaps, youre about to make a decision that others might be wary of only to discover you knew precisely what you were doing all along. A trial and error process has got you to where you are now and, this week, you start to reap the rewards.
Read more...Star 9/10
We all love a good ol adrenaline surge, sometimes. Think of how many of us love rollercoasters or horror films. Theres something about a primeval need to prime ourselves that we derive pleasure from. Whilst the sky doesnt suggest youre in for a rollercoaster of a month or a terrifying one, it does imply you need to be on your guard in some way. Coming events could require you to adopt a defensive stance but only to ensure you bring about an outcome you need.
Read more...Star 9/10
Giving in to what you feel like doing every minute of the day can be a wonderful fantasy but not a very healthy practice! Having a body is a bit like having a job, and you can make this either the best or the most challenging job you ever have! A regular, well thought-out program is recommended for a positive "working relationship" with your body. Begin to notice whether you give your body a real vote in the daily decisions you make about your health.
Read more...Star 7/10
Not every day is meant to be earth shattering. You may find yourself wanting some fizzy feeling that just isnt there right now. Breathe deeply, relax and consider the ebb and flow of it all. Do something good for your health in preparation for the exciting times to come! Drink water, plan your meals ahead of time, get out there are do a little exercise. Dont despair - the good times are just around the corner!
Read more...Star 8/10
A more positive outlook is keeping you in top condition. If you suffer from any particular issue, it could be overindulgence. Its hard to give up the things that taste good but arent that great for your body. Instead, try some exercise. This will keep you in shape and help you to clear away any melancholy. Go for it.
Read more...Star 9/10
The focus at the start of the month is on detoxing and cleansing your system. This not only includes your body but also any emotions youve been retaining. A two-day juice and vegetable fast, as well as a retreat in which you can release pent-up feelings, could do you a world of good. Youll feel fresher and brighter inside and out. Mars, your personal planet, dances into Aquarius, which can funnel a lot of cosmic energy into your nervous system. You can help yourself by feeding your nerves with oily fish and B vitamins and channeling this energy by exercising daily.
Read more...Star 7/10
You will have the opportunity to express some of your more extreme and controversial views to your love interest. As you are not usually well known for doing anything more original than trying out the latest filler for baked potatoes - this could be potentially exciting. If you have any pretensions to being unconventional - by all means, go for it! You have nothing to lose and your partner (current or prospective) will be eternally grateful.
Read more...Star 10/10
Something could shock your highly refined sensibilities today, but if you can overcome your initial reaction, you may even discover some new ideas that you could adapt to your more refined way of doing things. Love is experimental and unconventional today, rather than romantic in the traditional sense. But it still has a certain appeal, as you will find out!
Read more...Star 9/10
Do you wish that someone else could make all of your romantic decisions? Its easy to want to delegate when youre feeling overwhelmed, but does anyone really know you well enough to just take over the reins of your love life? Probably not! An attractive stranger makes you believe in love at first sight over the weekend, but love is fleeting. A least now you know that it exists!
Read more...Star 7/10
The Moon spends time in blazing Sagittarius on November 1 and November 2, and your passion meter is off the charts. New flames ignite with someone new - or perhaps theyre still smoldering with an ex. Adventure and travel rule your love life. Neptune leaves its retrograde cycle on November 19, which brings the final chapter of any romantic fairy tales youve been telling yourself. Now that reality is here, whats your next move? Venus and Pluto meet for the last time in this year on November 25, allowing healing and transformation to take place. If you need closure, get it now.
Read more...Star 9/10
Dont get caught up in a fantasy world. You will get distracted by someone elses dream, get off balance, and create a misconception about your career and where you are going with it. Dont make any decisions. You are not in a good position to do so.
Read more...Star 7/10
The day starts off on a very positive note for you. You have more control than you think. You have more power than you think. Other people are happy to be working with you, and overall, the environment around you is healthy for everyone.
Read more...Star 9/10
Expect some complications and potential mechanical breakdowns now. Delay important meetings until later, if possible. You may be called upon to cope with fewer staff or other resources. Focus on developing practical solutions. Its best to stick with the familiar. Conflict with superiors, customers, or co-workers doesnt have to ruin your attitude. Youre slowly building for a better future. Finish all you can in a timely fashion.
Read more...Star 9/10
Spend the first half of the month wrapping up a financial deal. If you work for yourself, youll get a handsome check. This money will not only cover your bills but also allow you to invest in your professional image. Upgrading your electronic devices or investing in a power suit will pay off handsomely. Have you been looking for a job? Youll get an impressive offer on or around November 14. Novembers closing days could send you on a business trip. This assignment comes at an inconvenient time, but it cant be helped. Stay positive and try making inroads with a potential client.
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